Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21 "I'm Really a Heiress"

"Your God is better than you can imagine. He will not let you down."

-Beth Moore, Session 9, The Inheritance

Well, today I finally had the time to wrap up my lessons on being a heiress from "The Inheritance." There is so much to take away from this series that I am glad God allowed this break of days between when I last watched video 8. This has allowed the message to hit my life in a new way. I love how God knows the needs of my heart. Here is the wrap up of things I know about being a heiress:
  1. God has made me an heir.
  2. I'm a real, live heir of God and a co-heir with Jesus Christ.
  3. Because I am a woman, technically I am an heiress.
  4. The lines for me have fallen in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
  5. As an heiress to God, my life is never left to chance.
  6. As a member of the NT priesthood of believers and as an heiress of God, He is my portion...and I am His.
  7. I am inheriting a kingdom.
  8. My inheritance can never perish, soil, or fade. It's being kept in heaven for me
I am happy to finish the series. The message has been appropriate to my life right now. I need to know I am heiress and completely loved by God. I need to know even more about who I am in God's eyes. That is the goal this year right? Overcoming insecurity and having righteous confidence in God.

Sigh - words are beyond me today. I am happy and blessed.

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