Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20 "Obstacles"

Five benefits God intends for us: To know God and believe Him; To glorify God; To find satisfaction in God; To experience God's presence; and to enjoy God's presence.

-Beth Moore, Breaking Free

Today was a good day. I spent time preparing for my up coming mentor session with a friend of mine. God was all about it and boy did I have a fun time with Him today!!! I was not working on learning about the "benefits" today, but rather learning about the obstacles that keep me from it. I wanted to share with you the benefits to possibly entice you into studying Breaking Free when you have the time - I believe God will work in the heart of every person who participates. Anyway, today I asked God to give me new eyes as I worked through three obstacles: unbelief, pride, and not being satisfied with God.

In studying unbelief, God revealed to me that I do have a strong belief in Him. I truly believe in His promises and abilities (etc.) However, my unbelief is in regards to how God wants to use me. Though I am obedient to Him and though I pursue the tasks He puts before me with my whole heart - a part of my heart sometimes feels like I am just "spare parts" or "damaged goods." God showed me this insecurity today, bummer. The good news is: I'm not living my life controlled by it and it gave me new insight to parts of my heart that I need to "let go and let God." I was able to make a fresh commitment to believe that God can and will use little o me to glorify Him if I remain faithful and obedient to His will. I don't know how, I don't have too - I'm just along for the ride. All I have to do is kick that enemy off my land! (Refer to previous post)

Second, I learned that though I need to be careful in dealing with pride, my true problem is not with exuding pride but rather and over humbling of myself in a negative degree. I'm not a pessimist. I don't think a good majority of people I encounter would say I exude negativity. But, they can't see the battle I have in my head with the enemy! God reminded me again today, He does not intend for me to humble myself into a scared, shameful self. He just wants me to remember where I come from and confidently move forward. I'm redeemed. He allows me to live free if I choose it. And I do choose it, I will submit to Him daily as He educates me on overcoming my insecure thoughts.

Until today, I would have said that I am satisfied with God. But, I realize that things of the world sometimes satisfy me more. It's not perpetual, but at times it is true. God showed me today - it's about satisfaction in Him first and foremost. All things of the world aren't bad. His will for me does not include me becoming legalistic. He just showed me I need to check my attitude and make sure I am coming to Him first. I am to escape the stress of the world in His arms, not the worlds.

Well that about wraps up my lessons today. Here is my power verse for the day:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified: Do not be discouraged. For the Lord Your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9

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