Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18 "April Monday"

Today, what is on my mind is the concept of "It's a wild ride." I've reflected all ready on this concept in a previous post. But this message from Beth in the Inheritance series is apparently sticking. And, as I work on being a fun and not a boring heiress - I want to tell you about a day called "April Monday"

"April Monday" was actually today. But, sometimes it is on other Monday's too. It doesn't happen all the time, but it happens on occasion. What is it? It is a glorious time when I get to act like a kid with no reservations, but with the benefits of knowing how to do stuff. You see, I have this friend who has four kids twelve and under. On special April Monday's (they coined the term) - they come to my house and I simply spoil them rotten. We cook an insane amount of junk food, play Nintendo Wii, games, watch movies and all manner of things until we are pooped from sugar overload and game playing. It's awesome and it is some of the most fun I have here lately.

God does something so special in my heart on these days. I am filled with love and laughter. There is nothing especially deep about today's post except to remind myself and others that fun is sooooo apart of our life with God! He wants us to share His love and fun with others. All we have to do is just be willing to enjoy it in the moments God brings it into our life.

Yes, sometimes life is serious. Sometimes people really hurt us. But there are times when life is so cool and God blesses us in indescribable ways. To conclude, today I wasn't a boring heiress. I shared God's blessings with my four little friends and we had a blast! Be encouraged friends, look for the moments God intends to rock your socks of with happiness!


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