From day 113....
I am sitting here on my couch - I am feeling God's presence with me - speaking through His Word to my heart. The question of "Why Beth Moore?" weaving in and out of my thoughts still today. And here in the quietness of my home, I feel Him nudging me to understand, "If you want to be the best, you have to study the best." The cool thing about this revelation is that it does not simply apply to my mentorship like journey here with Beth Moore. It also applies to my relationship with God my Father. His Word represents the best picture of what I can become if I truly trust in His promises, His security, His providence. My role is to take the time to get to know Him, to learn from Him, to be more obsessed with Him then anything else in life. If I do that - He promises that He will guide my path and guide me in the direction He would have me go, which is a place of peace, happiness, and knowing that I am doing what God intends me to do with my life.
Because BM was so on my mind today - I started by watching one of her segments on LifeToday - this was a DVR version so I have no idea the title or the date so I can't give you a scholarly way to go and find this message yourself. But, I can say today she was talking on the "Bread of Life." She developed why Jesus is our bread of life, but what stood out to me was a comment that every detail in the Bible is significant.
Anyway, once my brain was a little more awake it led me straight to my favorite place - snuggled up somewhere nice with some version of God's Word. Today, I chose a version that I don't often go too, the Message. I felt like reading more conversationally today, but anyway - so I was in Romans. I was so contemplative yesterday about God - my heart's cry was for Him to give me insight as to why in the world He would want to use me as a servant for Him to speak and teach His Word. Here is one of many things He spoke to me from Romans 4:4-5:
But if you see the job is to big for you, that it's something only God can do, and you trust him to do it - you could never do it yourself no matter how hard and long you worked - well, that trusting-him-to-do-it is what gets you set right with God, by God.
Oh this speaks to me this morning. I know that God has put a clear call on my life. I am His completely and I will serve Him however He asks me to. If one day I really will become a full time vocational speaker who motivates others to be passionate about God - then so be it. I can't do it on my own. I am no one special. But if it is God's will then so be it. For now, I am to continue to pursue knowledge that will allow me to represent Him to the best of my ability. I am to remain teachable and continue to learn from whomever God asks me too. And that is what leads me back to my mentor - God has asked me to study the best. Right now, she is a physical manifestation on this earth of someone who is doing their best to honor and serve God with her whole heart. She isn't perfect - none of us are - but God clearly has something to teach me through her. And, more importantly God is showing me how a life can be transformed by an obsession with His word.
So that is my insight today. Like my mentor I want to be obsessed with the Word. I want to learn from the Word. I want to know the Word to the best of my ability. I want to be so consumed by it that it changes me - that it transforms me to such an extent that the only thing that brings me ultimate pleasure is talking about how amazing our big, holy, awesome God is.