Well, you guys know that Sunday's are the day I take a break from my mentor and usually give a shout out to someone else. But today, I can't resist because I have to show you something she put up on her blog today that just makes my heart completely happy.

It is at times like these when I know that I made the right choice in choosing a fake mentor :O) She makes me laugh out loud at the craziest moments. Tonight, as I was stressed out trying to get some school work done, I decided to procrastinate and check her blog out. And this is what I found - a pick me up for sure :O).
Also, this post of hers is a good one for showing you her willingness to be real, which is what I strive for on a daily basis as I pursue God with my whole heart. Anyway, I figure in this project additional insight is always good.
So, the soap opera at church for sure continued. We haven't seen an up swing yet in the story of Jacob's family. In fact, we saw more down turns this week in the family that could have its own modern day reality TV show. I can't get knee deep in the content with you because I want to keep my blog G rated, but here are a few highlights or as I like to think of them, low lights. This week we see the clear result of not raising kids up in the ways of God. Jacob's sons have clearly gone astray and this week as we move on to see Judah, next in line for the birth right, its hard not to be disappointed in our spiritual lineage.
The short story. Judah wasn't a Christian. At 16 years old he decided he was ready for a wife, so he left his house and married a woman that he should not have married. They had three kids. Two were killed for doing evil in the sight of the Lord - struck DEAD. One of his evil sons had a wife, who by law his youngest son was supposed to marry. Well, Judah didn't keep obey the law or his commitment to his late son's wife and he kept the young son from her. As a result, one night when drunk he ends up being with Tamar (his first sons wife) and they end up having twins together. (The details you will have to read for yourself) The good news, is this whole incident actually brought Judah to God. He repented of His sins and did right by Tamar. And, as God would have it - these twins are a part of the lineage of Christ. WHEW. That was a mouthful and not even all of it. Insane right? For all the details you just have to go to Genesis. It's a wild ride for sure.
OK Peeps. I have to go. Talk to you later gators.
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