We are insecure. You and me and every woman. In fact, chronic insecurity is a cultural epidemic, but almost no one is talking about it. And it ticks me off.
-Beth Moore
Yesterday was the big day for the So Long, Insecurity release. I was going to dedicate my post to it, but my revelations on the treadmill were to significant for me to over look. The LPM blog gave it sufficient shout outs yesterday so I do not feel to bad.
I haven't received my copy yet because I pre-ordered the book, but I can say it is something I am highly anticipating. I usually don't get worked up over a book, though I won't deny once in New York City I decided to buy a Harry Potter book the night of its release. It was an experience I just had to see. It was midnight and thousands of people were lined up in and out of a Barnes & Noble in Lincoln Center. Just imagine five floors of people with lines weaved in and out of every crevice of the store. It was definitely an experience to remember. Well, I don't live near a Barnes & Noble right now nor do I even have the blessing of a Christian Bookstore nearby - but if there would have been a midnight release for this book - it might have been the only other time I would have waited with the masses to receive a copy.
That being said, I believe the expectancy in my heart is due to the very obvious fact that insecurity is no doubt my biggest weakness. It doesn't rule my life, but at times it rules my thought life. Thus far on this blog, God has had me admit that to you all. It's embarrassing to admit it, especially since I am so good at faking that I am not insecure LOL. But what do all the rehab programs teach? The first step is admitting we have a problem :O). And well, it seems that God intended for me to come to such a revelation for such a time as this. I am still in awe that He worked in my heart like two days before I found out about this book. Anyway, so what's my take away today?
First, I plan to participate in an online blog study of the book. The LPM blog will host this study and Beth will be the facilitator. Anyone can sign up. I believe the start date for that is February 9th. Second, as I wait for the book I am asking God to prepare my heart for the message. I want to be able to deal with these issues openly and honestly, but I can not imagine the things I will discover will be always easy to deal with. But hey, just maybe in a few weeks I may over come the disease of insecurity right? And that would be awesome :O)
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