Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 53 "Laughing out Loud"

"Submission and subservience are to me as easy as cuddling a litter of baby porcupines." - Beth Moore, Breaking Free Workbook, 150

Oh my goodness, I about fell out of my chair when I read this today. The visual picture of it sent me over the edge. I mean RIGHT OVER THE EDGE. If I could die laughing, I would have today. As I was getting ready for my mentor session and "Breaking Free with a Friend," I was working through Day 4 of Week 7 and it was all about "God's rule is right." Right out of the box my mentor admits that it is difficult to submit to authority in life sometimes - but what a way to word it. Anyway, let me break it down for you - here is what God reminded me of today through my mentor:

God did not design us to boss ourselves. Our psyches were formed to require authority for our own sakes, so we'd live in the safety of God's careful rule. Satan tries to draw us away form God's authority by making us think we can be our own producer and director. The apostle Paul addressed the impossibility of mastering our own lives and destines in Romans 6:16 (150):

Do you not know that if you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of that one you obey - either of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness?

Up until this point in the study for this week we were learning about the correlation of the potter and the clay to our lives. We have been hit in the face with our own rebellious attitudes and we have learned that God has every right to rule in our lives. But the cool thing is, we are reminded that life is better when we submit to God's authority. Look what my mentor says:

My primary motivation for pursuing the obedient life is an absolute belief that the One who has a right to rule is also the One whose rule is right. I try to obey God because with all my heart, I believe that He is always good, always right, and loves me in ways I cannot comprehend. God has proved His trustworthiness over and over again. You can't fully appreciate the emotion washing me over me as I prepare to write these next three words: I trust God. After a lifetime of trust problems, I can't even understand how such a miracle of grace has come to me, but it has. (150)

Does this resonate with you? IT DOES ME. I've been in a hot and heavy pursuit of my God for many years now. I can attest that once you get this submission thing under control - life changes and goes in a whole different direction. I, like my mentor, have had some huge struggles with trust. I STILL DO! But, I can say, I trust God with my life. I understand that submitting to Him is for my good and I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no more satisfying way to live life. I know sometimes it may seem that we can't overcome the hurt in our life that makes us want to not trust God or people, but if you work to let him heal that hurt He will redeem every area and begin to use it for His good.

Sorry, I am not preaching at you today. I was just washed afresh by this message. I forget how much of a miracle it is that God has enabled me to trust Him and to begin to understand the role of healthy submission in my life. She doesn't mention it here, but it reminds me of this verse:

Love is patient; love is kind Love does not envy; is not boastful; is not conceited; does not act improperly; is not selfish; is not provoked; does not keep a record of wrongs; finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things; hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Why? Because love is the reason I willingly choose to submit to God's authority in my life. God's love doesn't end. No matter if I have good days or bad, his love remains the same. Shouldn't my love remain the same for Him? I submit to his authority as an act of love. I believe Him. I find my hope in Him. I rejoice in His truth. I don't focus on the bad in my life, I look forward to the good ahead. I TRUST HIM.

I know that anyone who lives under His authority will experience a change and passion that is unsurpassable by anything else in this life. Though submitting to authority can feel like snuggling to porcupines, I believe both my mentor and I would agree that getting to a place where you can submit to God's authority is worth the time and effort.

Peace out peeps.

Don't know if I have suggested this song before, but I really like it:

Song of the Day: I Stand Amazed by Bart Millard

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