OK. It is Sunday again and I take a day off from learning from my mentor. This Sunday I have two things on my mind, the sermon I heard this morning and Jennifer Rothschild.
At church, the pastor is continuing his teaching on the book of Genesis. Whew, this is such an intense book of the Bible. Today, we were in Genesis 33 & 34 and we learned about what happens to us when we dishonor the name of God. Jacob, father of Isreal, gets into some real trouble with his family in this book. He doesn't teach his children how to respect and honor God and the consequences of that begin to come into fruition in this book. His sons promote religious rituals as they try to win over a nearby town. And as these people are weak from trying to live by the rules, the sons murder them. Crazy right? I know. But, it spoke to me. It reminded me how we need to not only honor and respect God, but we also need to teach others to do so. We need to show with our lives that it is not about living by rules, but rather it is about the relationship we are blessed to have with God. Anyway, good stuff. Read through it if you ever have the time....
Why Jennifer Rothschild? Well, I am going to Jennifer's conference in March and today my plans for that were made final. Her conferences are called Fresh Grounded Faith. I went last year and I quiet enjoyed it. Her spirit is so light hearted and so in tune with what God would have her do with her life. I enjoy her fresh perspective. Let's just put it this way, I would consider doing a mentor project with her as well. Check out her books and websites, I guarantee God will use her story and life to speak to your heart.
Blessings :O)
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