The benefits of our covenant relationship are internal and spiritual in nature, but those who are free to believe in God, glorify God, find satisfaction in God, experienc God's peace, and enjoy God's presence display a noticeable difference in their lives.
I love that God sees fit to deal with my heart about relationships this week. Three days before Valentines Day can often be a tumultuous season for a single lady. God has given me contentment, but I won't deny I eagerly await all that He has for me in my future husband. I want the descriptions found in the Song of Songs and then some :O). (Check that Scripture out if you never have- the descriptions of love there will inspire the romantic in anyone.)
This first quote comes from my studies in Breaking Free, week six. This week I am learning how God brings beauty from the ashes. Particularly I see that as I learn to freely enjoy the aforementioned benefits of God, I will inadvertently display a noticeable difference in my day to day life. Embracing the fact that God deems me beautiful is a little overwhelming. But as Beth shows me all the Scriptures declaring the truth in this, I can hardly deny that hearing how wonderful God believes me to be is so refreshing.
Ironically, my readings today also deal with insecurities. This is interesting because I also start my online blog study about insecurity today. Before jumping to that, let me focus on this other sentiment that hit me. As she addressed insecurity, she had us take a look at who we are on the inside. We may overcome our outward distractions to mankind, but internally do we not still feel like the ugly girl we thought we use to be? Look what she says:
I may look different, but I know who's inside! Without Christ every woman has intense insecurities. Unless we find our identity in Christ, Christian women are just as prone to insecurities about their appearances as unbelievers.
- Breaking Free(Workbook), 124
Boom. There it is. We are insecure without Christ. So true. But, I will freely admit that even though I can say I am secure in Christ, I can't freely admit that I am secure in the culture that I live in. There is always something to bring me down. If it isn't my looks it's that I am a Christian in a non-Christian culture. The list, as I am sure it is for you, could easily go on. But the cool thing is, God is willing to help me overcome.
These words prepared me for my other journey with my mentor. Interesting how 11 years later she is addressing this issue in a more direct way. Today, she begins facilitating a journey into the So Long, Insecurity book. Beth introduced the goal of the study on the blog today:
So, what's our goal? As a matter of fact, a cameraman from a local television station asked me that very question today. I'll tell you what I told him: the goal is for an insecure woman to open the book and a secure woman to close it. Nothing less than that. Humanly speaking, fat chance. But, if somewhere in these pages, we hear God speaking instead? Ah, then, for those willing to believe what He says, fat chances loose their weight and real changes takes their place. We aren't just looking to read a book here, Sisters. We're looking to discover the kind of soul-deep security that stands fast in the floodwaters of this image-saturated society. It is time for a change.
I am up for a change. My efforts right now with this blog project ought to be evidence of that. I believe in the power of God - He has proved Himself over and over to me. Even today, He spurred me on into a four hour quiet time that I do not want to end. Alas, I must move forward toward my responsibilities. I didn't get snowed in today, but my heart is feeling a double portion of love from God. Let's commit to believe in His power to help us over come today. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr. I want to be able to say: "Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty I am free at last."
Let's do it shall we? Peace out peeps.
Song of the Day: Something Beautiful by Needtobreathe
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