I had a rockin' good time at church today. I can't even begin to express how exhilarating it is being the first one at the church building early on Sunday before the hustle and bustle of Sunday festivities. I have told you guys before how much I love music. It should be pretty obvious since I regularly share good songs at the bottom of my posts. Today was especially fun for me. It started this morning with an adrenaline rush because technically I was having a few issues, but once service came round - mano! I have never heard the church peeps sing so loud - it was awesome. I suspect we had a few angels jammin' along with us this morning.
This morning we got back into Jacob's saga story - the good news is Jacob is on the move again finally working to be obedient to God (Genesis35-37). Still some drama though, he loses his favorite wife (Rachel) and his first son gets involved with some sin that makes him end up losing his birth right. But, he finally makes it home to see his dad, Isaac. He and his brother (the guy who wanted to kill him) reconcile. Isaac dies with them at peace and dies shortly after. Then all goes downhill for his brother Esau - his whole family turns against God and they go through a lot of turmoil. I would like to say an upswing finally came in the story, but no. We got back to Jacob and we see the story of his favorite son developing, Joseph. Here we see the damage jealousy can do in a family and through Jacob's brothers we see the development of the enemy's tactics, "to steal, kill, and destroy." Clearly, it was a lot to go through this morning, but the encouragement was to recognize that the Evil One desires us to get caught up in lies. We need to do our best to recognize and avoid his influence on our life. When we fall for it, bad things happen. But guess what? Good news is on the horizon! We will see that even when Evil is done to us or around us - OUR GOD can use it for good. Amen? Kind of sounds like and episode from Lost but it's fun. OK, check the story out if you have the time, I guarantee you won't get bored.
So who get's my shout out this week? Lysa Terkeurst. I've heard her speak probably about five times because she often tours with a conference that I had the opportunity to regularly attend while I was at school, Ewomen. The conference is based out of Lynchburg, VA where I went to school, Liberty University. But that isn't the focus today, Lysa is. I respect her poise and speaking style. She is professional and passionate and never fails to represent herself in a composed and sincere way. And, she even made it onto Oprah where she was able to talk about what God was doing in her life and the life of her friends. I think God might be directing her steps what do you think? I'm all about it and she is in top ten of people I want to learn from in life. God has answered this prayer and I am going to a special conference she and her team will be putting on at the end of July this year, She Speaks. I'm going for broke on this one. I'm intimidated by it, but I know it is a step God wants me to take. So I am willingly giving God the last of my resources to submit to His plan for me. I believe it will be worth it and encourage any of you to considering a life of full time ministry to consider it. I can't see how my spirit is going to walk out empty on this one.
Well, I've gone a bit long on my Sunday post this week. I hope my mentor had as much fun at church today as I did. Back to learning from her tomorrow :O)
Song of the Day: Have a Little Talk with Jesus by Bart Millard
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