Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 39 "Anger Issues"

Read this partial post from my BFF LOL - I mean my mentor - I mean woman God has me investing part of my life in - or whatever just read it :O) From the LPM Blog today:

My devotional time this morning was spent on the subject matter of anger. I thought to myself how life offers one opportunity after another to get hopping mad about something...or, more often, toward someone and what kind of price we pay. What kinds of words we say. Proverbs 16:32 (NET) says, "Better to be slow to anger than to be a mighty warrior, and one who controls his temper is better than one who captures a city." Let's quit blaming our hormones and our husbands and our workplaces and just bring our anger problems before God. Let's tell Him what we're mad about, repent for our reaction to it, ask Him to tend to us, heal us, free us. And, if the situation or relationship continues to be irresistibly, understandably infuriating, may He teach us how to refrain from sin in our anger until we can be loosed from it altogether.

For those of us who don't have one of those monumental, overwhelming reasons to be angry and we're just temperamental, irritable, and summarily lacking in self-control, sometimes it's just the matter of making a choice. As my grandmother used to say, we can get glad in the same clothes we got mad in.

Or, then again, we could just change clothes and see if that would help. One way or the other, it's time to get over it.

This wouldn't be important except for yesterday morning before church - I experienced just this! I was prepping for worship and something just overcame me and I was so angry. I couldn't figure why my emotions were so raw, but I was convinced that someone's selfishness was at the root of my unpleasant start to the day. As I worked to get my worship grove on, I just knew I couldn't go there till I resolved my anger issue. I felt like Jesus raiding the temple let me tell you! So, I broke down as I was alone in that church and quickly repented for my anger. I agree that justified or not we really do benefit from realizing the benefit of controlling our tempers. It was great that God met me where my heart was, healed me and helped me move forward. After that, I was ready to crank that sound system and have my private pre-church praise and worship session with my BFF Jesus.

I so rarely get angry, but I have to say this morning I was still bothered by the emotional outburst my soul experienced yesterday morning. It was good to have God speak to me directly today. These steps were definitely true for me yesterday, I was able to come around and get glad in the same cloths I got mad in! I couldn't have got there though if I had not taken time to go before God and tell Him my problem and then confess my part in reacting a little too harshly.

So, if you read this - I hope it helps you out along the way too :O)

Asta la vista.

Song of the day: Boomin' by TobyMac

1 comment:

Heather W said...

I have been dealing with this exactly and I know what you mean!! It is a choice everyday and it's easy to make the easy choices but they don't always line up with God's word. Our pastor said something a few weeks ago and it has stuck with me... build a bridge and get over it! It's funny but so true! Glad we got to "meet"! Have a good day!
