It occurred to me that many things right now in my life could be considered alarming, but God is providing me with a steady stream of encouragement to keep me from becoming stagnant in life. God has allowed me many opportunities in life to stay calm during scary crazy big changes - it's the little things that usually get me. God must of known about a few tedious little items on the list for me right now b/c I was blessed with two conversations that really reminded me that God's got my back during this time in my life. All that said, God is continuing to remind me to keep my conduct in check and my mission in mind during my quiet time with Him - today through the life of Paul and his letter to the church in Thessalonica:
As you know, we were emboldened by our God to speak the gospel of God to you in spite of great opposition. For our exhortation didn't come from error or impurity or an intent to deceive. Instead, just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please men, but rather God, who examines our hearts. (1 Thess 2:2-4)
I suppose the reason this speaks to me today is because it affirms my purpose. Though I am in an uncertain time in my life, I am not without purpose. God is giving me boldness and encouraging me to spread His gospel in a unique way through a project He has me working on. Even though this project both terrifies me and invigorates me, I am reminded that I must also work to keep my heart in check so that my exhortations both in life today and in the future are coming from a pure place in my heart. In all my earthly service, I am to work to please God who is the only one who can examine the intent of my heart.
With regards to my mentor moment, I was challenged by a few questions in a chapter of a Heart Like His:
Are you actively building a history with God? Can you readily say that the two of you have done lots of living together since your salvation? Have you allowed Him to reveal Himself to you in the many experiences of life? (242)
I do believe I am actively building a history with God. I don't know if it is because I am getting older or what, but I am starting to see more of a complete picture with regards to my experiences. Being able to look back and see how God worked is really what gives me the confidence to know that what I am going through now will make sense at some point in my future.
I think God and I have done lots of living together. But I think only recently have I allowed Him to start revealing Himself to me through my various experiences. I don't mean that I haven't learned more about God through living my life, but rather somehow God has given me new insight as to how my experiences thus far really do work together to make me a more well-rounded whole. No doubt, I am seeing but a glimmer into God's overall picture - but better a glimmer than nothing I say :O) I like these questions posed by my mentor - they are a good way for me to stay in check as I make decisions. In the coming weeks I will no doubt have to make some decisions regarding my life path, but now I have this fresh reminder to build a history with God and not with myself. I want to be more perceptive and discerning in my efforts to do this "active living with God" she is talking about here. If you know me - that is the ultimate goal - I want to know how to go deeper and to be more sold-out to who God desires me to be.
Anyway, all of this is a bit of a ramble but I hope the questions challenge you too - if not I chalk it up to a tired mind :O) Life is good though. God is with my health and in my mind continuously - so I can't complain. Looking forward to new revelations tomorrow. Peace out peeps.
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