Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 177 "Naps"

Have you ever noticed that Sundays are often the best days for naps? I HAVE. I seem to always sleep the best on Sunday's after church. I don't know if it has anything to do with Sabbath rest or not and I can't prove it statistically, but I hoping somebody is with me on sleeping is always better on Sundays :O)

Today was an especially good day at church. I had a fun time leading worship & the sermon was like written for me I think :O) We are working through Ephesians. We are on Chapter 3. We looked into Paul's calling, purpose, and prayer. His methods were paralleled to our current callings in life. Like Paul we are called. He received revelation and worked to repeatedly recollect that which God spoke to Him. His purpose was to reveal the mystery, fulfill God's eternal purpose, and to keep the church from losing heart. This especially spoke to me as I have been working to better understand my call to the ministry. God simply expects me to give myself fully as I work to reveal the mystery, which is the truth of Jesus and the gospel. Paul feared nothing b/c he knew his purpose and understood that nothing can hurt us unless God allows it. In Paul's prayer, he prays that we will be strengthened and that Christ will dwell in our hearts so that we can know the depth of Christ's love.

Anyway, I don't do justice to the chapter in this brief summary - the point is that it really got me thinking about the extent of Paul's life - how extreme he was as he served. He was beaten, ridiculed and imprisoned an almost innumerable amount of times. Yet, he continued to press on...continued to serve. His best letters of the Bible were written from jail cells in ridiculous conditions. The people of his day tried to beat him down and keep him quiet. But now, God has used his work and it has impacted a countless number of people through his part of our Bible. Mano. I am dumbstruck at his guts and his integrity. Do I possess that amount of inner strength to push forward in my calling? I hope so. I know God will provide, I just hope that I live a life of integrity worthy of such a gift of this kind of strength and courage.

Anyway, that's my Sunday contribution for the week. I hope you were able to have the best nap ever like I had today :O) Best verse for me?

Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think - according to the power that works in you - to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen

I love the progression of seeing how God is able and able to do infinitely more than we can comprehend and imagine.

Song of the Day: Open Me by Shawn McDonald

1 comment:

Heather W said...

I LOVE Sunday naps, but to be truthfully honest, I love naps everyday!

And you can do anything, as long as you ask God walk beside you. He's an amazing help in our times of trouble. Just call on him!