Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 161 "Waiting"

So, I am fully aware that God has me waiting. It's cool. Not easy, but cool. I kind of feel like I am running on a hamster wheel though :O)

Today, I am excited to have the first job prospect present itself. I am anxious to see how it works out! Also today, God has had me share my ministry concept with a couple of people. This is exciting for me as well because it is a risk putting my ideas out there for "criticism." That's all right, working for God is about taking risks and this is just part of His plan for me right now. And, God is working on bring 2 Peter alive to me.

One cool that happened to me today was I said a prayer asking God to speak to me regarding a job opportunity and then as soon as I said Amen - the phone rang. That was quick eh? Anyway, spent some time researching the possibility of it and ended up making a new friend. I don't know if it will work out, but the opportunity for change invigorates me.

Life was all over the place today. It was interesting. Saw a friend - poor thing is in a mess. Talked to my baby cousin - loved that. Tried to do a BBQ for myself - failed b/c of charcoal problems and ended up using the Forman: SO NOT THE SAME!!! Cleaned and then got down to my mentor moment.

She got me going with Psalm 63:

Oh God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirst for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land were there is no water.

What an outcry of my heart right now. I literally do not have any solid Christian people around me. Gosh. I can't explain how rough that is on me. I am seriously considering moving so that I can make friends who will edify me as I work to serve.

OK - onto a good tidbit that helped to get me going and thinking in the right direction:

If you are willing to honor a person out of respect for God, you can be assured that God will honor you. (99)

After my day it kind of took a moment to sink in. But I regard it as sage advice. It also hits home because I am trying to figure out how to handle a certain situation with a friend. I can't really explain the details to be fair to the situation, but I do think it would be best if I tried to honor her out of respect for God despite my disagreement with the choices she is making. Hmm. All right, I am seriously ADD today - so I am going to have to get going....

Later peeps.

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