I am ready just to jump right into my mentor moment today:
Often when God does not readily give us what we want, it s because He knows what our desire will cost us. Faith sometimes means forgoing our desires because we trust Christ to have a better plan for our lives (33).
Amen. I could say this is a good word God led me to today. I just have this yearning, this wanting in my heart. For nothing in particular, except to know God's will for what I am suppose to do next with my life. Today, I am accomplishing nothing in particular, but in my time with BM I was reminded that:
God often uses the practical to lead to the spiritual (33).
I find it interesting that God wants us so much that He can bring us to Himself even when we think we're going somewhere else. Never forget the mundane can lead to the miraculous (34).
Hahaha. So, I guess I can know that with my life today, though filled with nothing in particular, will benefit me spiritually in the end :O). But seriously, I want to be a part of something miraculous and know it you know? Wouldn't that be cool? I mean our births are pretty miraculous, but I just loving be aware of God working around me you know? It's cool.
And finally:
A person with godly humility looks to the Master. He or she neither exalts nor denigrates self, because to do either is to make self the center of our universe. When we're really serving Christ, our reputations and abilities simply cease to be so important. We must decrease so He can increase (34).
Yep. I really am trying to wrap my head around this godly humility, but it isn't easy. I tend to have low esteem despite my ability to fake it. I know that does not honor God, which is why I am doing my best to take this battle with insecurity seriously. But, just like it says here, to really serve, I have to be willing to put aside me so that God can work through me. I'll strive for this till I get there.
For now, I have to jet. Later peeps.
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