Oh mano. I feel like trying to double up on classes might have been a little audacious. I will be taking New Testament, Old Testament, and Evangelism - Oh, and finishing my thesis - no problem right? As I stare at these three syllabi in front of me I have my doubts. Anyway, it is going to be an adventure! Pray for me peeps cause it is going to get crazy before it gets better.
Today, I am ready to jump right into my mentor moment. So, I was listening to my mentor in a video from the series Heart of our Desire and she was talking about our need to be connected to one another. BM was working to get me to realize that we need to learn from one another - the older peeps need to teach the younger peeps. By looking into Psalm 37, she showed us how beneficial learning can be when we learn from someone who has experienced life.
I needed to hear this today. I really do. Insecurity resonates a bit with regards to me writing this blog. But you know, for me this is what it is all about. I am taking time to learn from someone older than me so that I can learn how to handle life with a little more grace and dignity. The hard part for me is overcoming the disconnect I have with my mentor b/c she is kind of like a figment of my imagination in some ways LOL, but God used her to show me that what I am doing is really not different than me learning from my mentors in the Bible. I don't know them either, yet I can study them incessantly and not feel weird about it.
Don't get me wrong. I know studying God's Word is like on a whole other level because I am immersing myself in God's truth, but hopefully you get what I am saying. I am just talking about the aspect of studying their life in the context of what God did in each of them individually. God is showing me the importance of connecting with fellow believers....of learning from fellow believers. Do you get me? If not, well, sorry buddy - I am trying to explain it as best I know how :O)
So, today it is short in sweet. Connect with somebody. Connect with God through His Word. Connect with a peep that is younger than you. Connect with a peep that is older. Let's see how this can change our lives for the better shall we?
Want some more inspiration? Check out Titus 2.
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