Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 107 "Published"

Today is such an amazing day. I don't have a lot to say because it really is so surreal. My journey with Beth has mostly revolved around finishing my Master's Thesis. I have kept you updated on my journey, but today the final link in the chain has been completed. The thesis is published and now people can use my research to advance their own. I never thought this day would happen. God alone got me to this place. This project could not have been done without Him. Here it is, hopefully the link will work:

It's a research paper, but there are some cool things in there you might be interested in if you want to know more about BM.

How do I feel? Well here is part of an email I sent to a new friend as I was thanking Him for His contributions:

It feels weird that I am finished because in one way or another this has been in my life for the last three years. I cannot say that it is perfect, but I can say that I did my best to honor God with the project. He has taught me so much through this process. He even used Beth as a mentor in my life (which is weird to say since I have never actually met her :O) But, I want you to know - He used you too. I thank you in my acknowledgements because God used you too.... your contribution inspired me to get up and going again after a time where the enemy was really discouraging me and pushing me to give up. Though I am not sure that the content of it will necessarily benefit anyone's life besides my own. I am certain that God used it to mold me into a person who is completely sold out to pursing God utterly & completely with every last piece of my heart. I am more sure of my calling now and more in love with God. So with all that, I guess you could say I am just feeling so happy right now. And I am looking forward to what lies ahead on my journey with God. Like Beth often says, 'it's a wild ride.' I can't wait for the adventure ahead.

This email is but a brief representation of my feelings. But it also shows you the state of my heart and how grateful I am to the people who encouraged me along the way and to my God who loves me so much. In many ways, I feel free as a bird - in other ways I wonder that since I no longer have a scholarly reason to follow BM if I am not going to be classified as a stalker LOL. But, nonetheless, this part of my journey with Beth is over.

I don't know what lies ahead for me peeps, but I can say this: if the enemy is trying to convince you that you are incapable of doing what God has called you to do -IGNORE HIM. The road is not easy and there are many good reasons to give up on the things God is asking you to do in life - but trust me when I say God will bless you beyond belief if you stick with Him and give Him the glory. He will give you the strength to be persistent. He will give you courage. And most importantly, He will be patient with you.


Heather W said...

Haha. I feel like I am a Beth stalker too! She is an awesome mentor and someone we could definitely look up to!

April Nicole said...

hahaahah I AM GLAD I AM NOT ALONE :O) You are a better one than me though - I don't have a picture with her!!! LOL.