Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 144 "Free As a Bird"

My spirits are soaring today. I woke up in the best mood. I suppose God is choosing to bless me this morning. I so poured my heart out to Him last night and today I feel free as a bird. I had some breakfast and just worked in my house. Everything is officially spring cleaned - except for my office. That office is just tricky to me right now. I have to figure out what I am going to do in there and it just hasn't quite been right since I moved in to this apartment. I am sure I will get some divine inspiration on the matter soon enough.

I was blessed to visit with one of my friends today and overall I have just been excited all day. I did my 5K training and just hung out overall - but really this optimism is what I have missed in recent days - God is good. I am so thankful to have the tools I need to Break Free when I am feeling down. I have to give my mentor a bit of credit for that. Studying Breaking Free for three years really has cemented a lot of God's principles in my head. I am so grateful for that.

OK. On to the God inspired mentor moment for the day. I am still revealing in A Heart Like His. Today I am most encouraged by the reminder that we all come with a back story. "Some of us come with a heritage of faith and faithfulness. Some of us come with the testimony of God's ability to rescue us from terrible circumstances" (12). I suppose for me - both are true. My dad became a Christian when I was three. He was called to the ministry not long after that. So, I've been blessed to live in a family that seeks God no matter the cost. I can't say that has been true for all of my extended family - they often can't wrap their head around my parents call to full time ministry. And now that the call is my own - this adds to their wonderment. They just think I should move home to Texas and get a good job. But, they are coming around to how God is working in my life and my parents life.

But truly, we all have a back story. I grew up naive for the most part. I moved every 6 months on average so I never had time to really acclimate to a group of friends with whom I could get into any trouble with. Also, God had me wrapped tight in His arms and aware of His goodness and purpose for my life. All was good until my junior year of high school. I was always kind of bummed when we moved, but I always embraced God's will of the moment. After my junior year though, when my parents moved from North Carolina to New Hampshire I developed my first crack. I didn't know it at the time, but I ignored how hard that was on me emotionally. Let's just say if you ignore your emotions - that will come back to get you later. But that story is for another time. Now, I have come full circle. Ten years of accepting my call and seeking God's face I can say that I feel more free than I have in my entire life.

God is so good. I am so thankful for His hand on my life. I'm thankful for this mentor He has provided me. I would like to close today with Psalm 3:3-5:

You, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the One who lifts up my head. I cry aloud to the Lord, and He answers me from His holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me.

Peace out my peeps.

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