Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 141 "5K"

Well, I can say it is a bit annoying having to make a journey every time I need to be on the internet. I have been spoiled with my connectedness to the world. I am most inspired in the late evening hours - and well - there are just not many places safe for posting at such an hour. Apparently, my landlord permanently disengaged his office internet. I figured after his passing that his wife would do that eventually - but bummer for me. Isn't that selfish LOL? But, I enjoyed it while it lasted. Right now, I am just trying to wait on a few things to balance out in life before I pick up an internet bill. But, thank goodness for nearby parents who are advanced enough to have Wi-Fi :O) (They can thank me for that :O)

Today has been a good day. I committed to God that I would work to get my physical health in order once I survived graduation. I took those first steps today as I committed to train for a 5K. (I hope I don't regret this choice) I want to be able to do it by August sometime. I am not nor have I ever been a runner. I am short and I am fast, but distance has never been my forte. Combine that with being a bit out of shape and well this idea seems a bit overwhelming. But wouldn't you know - there is an iPhone app for that! LOL. So, I downloaded it and it says I will be a 5K runner in 9weeks. OK....we will see :O) I made it through the first work out - so that is a good sign. I forget about the endorphin high after running. I haven't had much time for exercise besides golf these last two months b/c school has had to be an obsession. But MANO running today sent me off the charts. I am almost as wound up as I was after the Insecurity Simulcast. I am starting to think that it might not be best for me to have a physical high and spiritual high at the same time - I may never sleep!! :O) J/k.

OK. I realize this is entry is too journal like so let me get into what God taught me through Wanda today :O). I have wanted to write that since I started my blog. Did you know that was BM first name? I about died when I discovered it. I'm not making fun, I love the uniqueness of it - but seriously I want to know the story of that. Did she ever go by that name? Or was it just there to honor somebody. Mano, I hope to find out some day. Such a southern name - or maybe not - maybe it is Mid-western - either way - I bet there is a story. As you can see, my mind is ADD today - I blame it on the 5K training :O)

OH. And since I am being random. I just found out my BFF is going to the Holy Land. Can you believe she did not call me up and invite me to come along? Hmph. :O) If she was a good mentor she would know that I had an unused passport waiting on such an opportunity. I got it three years ago. I've never had the money to go anywhere, but I figured I would get it so that if God ever wants He can just blow my mind with and opportunity to leave America the Beautiful. She leaves in a couple days - there is still time for her to invite me :O) I will let you know if she does. haha - can you imagine? I would die.

On to the insight from A Heart Like His:

First, I was reminded that we all have a back story. I like learning about David and how he became a man after God's own heart. That has always been a goal of mine - I hope one day God helps me to achieve it. A couple of other things that stood out to me were the reminder to be determined and steadfast regarding our vows to God (Hannah served as an example of this). And, remember that God is always willing to recomission us - no matter how badly we have messed up in the past (as evidenced by the story of Eli).

These few points were a fresh reminder to me that God takes my life seriously. He is aware of me. He knows my backstory and He has given me experiences that have molded me into the person I am today. He is aware of my huge failures, yet willing to use me despite myself. He knows my heart, but more importantly He knows the intentions of my heart. My heart has never disregarded God and every bad choice I have made has been the result of a misguided choice to deal with pain on my own. I am so grateful God continues to love me and remains true to the call He put on my life as a young child. I am blessed to have never lived life without the presence of God. God ordained I grew up in a godly home. As soon as I was old enough to understand that I had to make a salvation decision - I did. I can honestly say that decision was the best one I ever made in my whole life. I am so completely grateful that God moved on my heart when I was young - knowing my personality there is no telling who I would be today without Him. Hahaha - the only downfall is that I am acutely aware of when I am doing wrong - bummer - JK - but considering my tendency towards having an addictive personality that has been a blessing.

I suppose the best thing is that despite the fact that the enemy tries to convince me I am too damaged to be of service - I have a drive to pursue God. Now, with my mentors help and others along the way - God reminds me continuously that He has got my back and is aware of both the choices I have made and the wrong others have done toward me. Yet God continues to give me new life. He keeps teaching me more about me and who I can become in Him if I trust Him completely. I LOVE THAT. It inspires me toward a completely healthy obsession with Him.

I suppose I have tittle tattled enough about my life today. Here is one more smiley face for the road :O) Bye peeps.

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