Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 125 "Awesome God"

I am having an inexplicably wonderful day today! Last night I finished TWO of the last three classes before graduation. I am taking a golf break today, but if all goes to plan I SHOULD BE DONE WITH SCHOOL TOMORROW or the next day if I am moving slow mentally :O) I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I love school, but I will be so glad to get back to reading books that I pick - more importantly not having to read a book and worry that in a couple of days I have a five page book critique due on the matter. (I have two of these left and those will not be over soon enough!)

Oh mano. I am so close I can feel it. I'll be packing up to travel down to Virginia this time next week - it will be awesome. I started this morning off happy about life. I slept great last night and have just this sort of perpetual enthusiasm that I cannot shake today :O) Even better, my mentor moment came easily today - didn't have to wait around all day for God to send the moment to me - nor did I have to go out searching seeing what He would tell me - I just made me a breakfast burrito and turned on my TV - to my delight the moment was just waiting there for me.

It was Wednesday's with Beth day on Life Today. Yee-haw. Today was about not making decisions out of desperation. Exactly what I needed to hear. I wish I could lay it out here for you - maybe tomorrow - but for today - the sky is blue and green's are calling me to come and relax by chasing a tiny white ball around :O) But, I will say - the overall concept was about that when we are feeling desperate we making terribly poor decisions. NO KIDDING. I always make the worse decisions when I feel pinned up against a wall - but thankfully I am maturing into knowing how to avoid said situations.

The message was timely because I am about as broke as one future graduated grad student can be. Anybody want to hire me LOL? HAHAHA, I know God's got my back, but having this fresh reminder to not make a job decision out of desperation is exactly what I need to have tumbling around in my head today.

Oh peeps - if you are reading today - hope you are doing awesome! God is so good - He is indeed so awesome right? With regards to that - check out this song of the day.

Peace out Peeps.

Song of the Day: Awesome God by R-Swift

PS - hopefully this week I will also get all my missing posts up. I have the week off and I am trying to make the most of it. Have a great day!

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