Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 117 "Cheerful"

Is anyone cheerful? He should sing praises. James 5:15b

My heart still feels wonderful today. The adrenaline bursts I've been having are finally starting to subside a bit, but I can say I have not been able to sleep much these last three days because I have just been so incredibly happy. At some point the plan just became "I am going to lay here and talk to God until I pass out" :O) Last night I did! I don't know what time I feel asleep, but I slept till noon today! Oh mano.

This morning I feel so rested. So content. My God is so good. And you know how I said I haven't been hungry? I've lost two pounds these last couple of days - I guess all my singing and dancing around the house like a maniac is kind of a good work out LOL!

So, I was reading in James today and came across this verse. I love that it is in God's Word that we should sing praises when we are feeling cheerful. He is just so fun.

For my mentor moment today, God is still pressing home in my heart things I learned from the simulcast. One thing in particular this morning He is reminding me of is the fact that I am entitled to truth. Beth reminded us that both defeat and victory lie in the recesses of our mind. As I sit here listening, God is reminding me of the power of His Word. Nudging me to take this new found freedom and combine it with the power of who He is. So, today, I am going to work on getting back to memorizing again so that the truths in His Word really will be hidden in my heart and mind. That way as the enemy and this crazy world we live in starts to try and make me insecure again, I will have the tools I need to fight them off!

OK, I must get going - I have a lot to get done today. If you dropping by today, I hope you are well :O) Bye peeps!


OH, and these last couple of days I have just wanted to tell as many people as possible about my experience. Today one of my shout outs made it on to my friend's blog. Her name is Karen True and she works with womensministry.net, which is such a great resource for people working in women's ministry.

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