Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 108 "Exponential Conference"

Today has been a great day. We finished up the whole chapter of Genesis at church today. I can hardly believe that we have been learning about this book of the Bible for two years - no part of it was ever boring. The stories in there are like nothing I have experienced and they really worked to mold me into someone who has a deeper appreciation of biblical context.

Anyway, I am also packing to leave for a conference in Florida called "Exponential Conference." It is a church planting conference, but it is a conference that changes you from the inside out. I went last year and it really compelled me to have a deeper vision and a greater ambition to let God mold me and my vision from the inside out. So this is my shout out today. If you want inspiration to go out and change the world for Christ (whether you start new churches or not) this is a conference you will want to attend at least once in your life.

So there is my Sunday shout out for the week. I hope you were blessed today peeps!

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