Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 115 "Holy Simulcast"

I know that Sunday's I usually break from my BM obsession....BUT I have to write about it again...

Holy Simulcast! I really feel like now I can really say good-bye to the thought that I am not worth being used by God. Mano, this event has really rocked me to the core. God really likes me and He loves me. He has a unique ride for me and today I jumped on the roller coaster that will be my new life. I've known it, but now it is true down to the deep crevices of my heart. Is it weird that I even feel like I look different today?

I have experienced this peace and excitement in high amounts before, but there is something different now. I REALLY FEEL DIFFERENT. It isn't just in my heart. It's like every cell in my body is bursting with happiness. I FEEL A NEW LEVEL OF FREE. I feel like the me I haven't seen in a while. I feel like I should start my own crusades or something and just tell everybody about this.

I am forgiven forizzal and that sentiment by BM that there "ain't no high like a spiritual high" is coursing through my veins in a way that is indescribable. I have danced holes in my floor today :O) I was so jazzed up last night - I couldn't even sleep! This is a truth that is going to send me in a whole new direction.

I wish I could be partying with my BFF and mentor today - she must feel like totally amazing that God worked through her in such a way. But, I am sure she is also tired, so my prayer for her today is that the enemy won't attack her after in a time where she may be feeling vulnerable because her heart is so open.

Oh mano - you guys - if you are coming across my blog - it is really possible to live free from insecurity. I honestly didn't think it could happen so fast. I know I will have transitions to go through, but my God is so good and He has given me such a glimpse today of what my new life is like! OH. I just can't sit still!

PS - I know why God did not let me go to Atlanta - it was so that I could share this event with my mom. And, we got to commission each other to be secure women. What a wonderful and unexpected blessing!

Peace out my peeps.

Song of the Day: I Like Me by Kirk Franklin

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