God is ordaining the details.
-Beth More, January 4 LPM Blog
OK. I am finally home and able to catch up on my posts. I have continued on with the project at home, but as you can imagine traveling has impeded my ability to post and share adequately. There is all the final goodbye's, eating at all the restaurants you can that you like, sleeping till you can't stand it and on and on and on. But now, after a 32 hour drive from Texas, I AM HOME! It is a wonderful feeling. I can't wait to share with you what happened to me on January 10, but to keep sense of the blog - I'll start with what happened on Day Four - January 4th.
Above you see, God is ordaining the details. This is quiet pertinent to my life today. I was supposed to be home by today. Starting the work. Organizing my home. Getting ready for the New Year. Unfortunately, that was not God's ordained plan for me. It is not all bad news having to stay behind a week longer on vacation. I am blessed to get to spend extra time with my Grandparents who I rarely get to see. It is amazing to see how much this affects my soul.
I am blessed to have a grandmother who loves the Lord. It's obvious and it has been great just soaking up her wisdom as I have been in Texas. God has used her to encourage my soul and to minister to me. She has given me the boost to trust in God and take life by storm. I recognize that God is in control right now and I know without a doubt there is something He has for me in Texas these extra days. And, now that I have relaxed and stopped worrying about all that I was getting behind on at home, I am truly able to enjoy my last days there.
The crazy thing is that while I was away and not home this weekend, my landlord passed away. This was shocking news. I have only recently moved in to my residence. I, as a single lady, had finally found a landlord whom I felt comfortable with. He was a lawyer and his office was below my apartment. We had not had the chance to really get to know each other that well, but things were looking good and in my heart I just knew God had finally provided me a safe place to stay. Well, I tell you, it has just not sunk in. He isn't much older than my parents and he had a sudden heart attack. After the shock of the news wore off, some worry set in. Am I going to have to leave my new home? Will the family sell the building and kick me to the streets? I'm all ready living over my budget now - where else can I afford to live?
And then boom, God's peace kicked in. Just like my elected mentor is suggesting to my soul and life "God is in the details." And you know? He is. He knew I was away. He probably knew it was best for me to be with family as I let the information set in. It allowed me to appreciate more my last few days in Texas. And, it gave me the chance to trust that when God takes away He often has something better for us in mind. We just have to trust that He is working all together for good.
Yes, I love my new apartment. I believe God is going to allow me to prosper there. To work well for Him there. Whatever happens when I get back, it will all work together for good. But, I have to remember His plans for me are better than my plans for me. All I have to do is trust Him with the details. This verse represents my heart today:
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of His inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe, according to the working of His vast strength.
-Ephesians 1:18-19
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