Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 25 "My Thesis"

I'm up for a short post today. Two things have occurred to me: One, I should tell you about my thesis project because it gives context to my life outside the blog & two, you should know about my connection to Beth. So today the thesis - tomorrow the connection.

I thought you ought to know that part of my interest in Beth Moore is because of a project that I am working on: MY THESIS. You will understand why I chose her to be the focus of this project tomorrow, but what you need to know today is that this thesis project stands between me and my first Master's degree. This project should have been done 2008. Obviously, since it is taking up part of my blog now - that goal was not reached.

There are many reasons both of my own fault and reasons outside of me that this project has not been finalized. All that matters now is that God is teaching me perseverance through the project. And, if all continues as I am planning now - in a month or so I should report good news about my thesis being done.

My thesis - in short - revolves around analyzing Beth Moore's Breaking Free message. Basically, what I am trying to do is identify the underlying messages beneath the obvious messages in the video portion of this series. Pretty much, what is she saying without saying it? To do this, I am using a communication method to help me identify these components. The second step is to prove whether or not the message is biblically valid and in accordance with the Baptist Faith and Message. I know this summary is a bunch of goobleygook, but when the project is done - I'll make it available and then it will all make a little more sense.

Why isn't it done? Loads of reasons. One is, I gave up for a while and just started a whole other Master's Degree. God has since restored my faith in the project and now I am continuing on. So just maybe in May - I'll graduate with both degrees :)

The point of this whole post is just to let you know why it is Beth Moore is on my mind at least once a day. Until the weight of this project is off my shoulders - she looms here in my subconscious just begging to be analyzed. And until I finish - the project will be a burden I carry. God is with me though and teaching me a lot through the project - for that I can remain encouraged and grateful for the experience.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.
- Galations 5:1 NIV

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