Today, no quotes, just a picture. This will make sense later....
I've had the blog on my mind a lot these last few days. I've been working on getting my inspiration, but not working so much on sharing my journey with you. The reason is because I am wrapped up in my master's thesis and writing on my blog has simply not been my priority. However, I just realized how far behind I am on writing up my blog postings and this made me a little discouraged. So, to make myself feel better about it all I am posting today and hope to have to rest available to you by Monday.
The main reason I am pushing forward is because I was feeling a bit insecure about this whole blog. I felt overwhelmed by the fact that this just might be a ridiculous idea. I feel like I have taken the concept of "imaginary friend" to a whole new level. Right? LOL. My imaginary friend is my mentor LOL. Yep, I am crazy. But, I'm also crazy about Jesus. If He wants me to learn something from Beth Moore, then I am up for the challenge.
I can't say that after 21 days I am wasting my time. God keeps teaching me more about Himself in the most unexpected ways. And, Beth Moore keeps popping up whether I seek her out or whether, on days like today, I try to ignore her. I had just about convinced myself to stop this blog when I checked my email. I get this daily devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries. They have several contributers and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a bit of happiness to arrive in their email box every day (subscribe here), but that is not the point. The one I read today was from Micca Monda Campbell. The post revolved around the following verse:
"That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power by His Spirit in the inner man." Ephesians 3:16 (NAS)
Micca was writing how on a hard day God gave her supernatural strength. Wanna guess how? She had a chance visit in an airport, followed by plane ride with Beth. If I am lying, I am dying. So, God sneaked her into my life again today and said blatantly to my spirit that I am to continue on with this project despite my insecurities about it. Gosh, at least God didn't have her show up on my door step - I don't have any moon pies to feed her (an inside joke for any of you who may also read Beth's blog).
Anyway, so, today I was encouraged by the example my elected mentor sets to others. When and if you read the story Micca shares, I hope you are given the same eyes to read it that I was given. If so, you will not see Beth Moore, but rather a person who by being available as God's servant was able to encourage and inspire another who was having a rough day in their daily walk with God. This is what life is all about really right? We are to just do our best to overcome ourselves and honor God and trust that whether we know it or not God is using our lives to glorify Him.
So, today the picture. It reminds me of the example I should be on my daily walk. I need to be available. I need to remain myself. I need to seek to serve God completely no matter what. And, above all, I need to believe and trust in His will for my life. As this story communicates, He can use us anytime, anywhere...all we have to do is be available for Him and the opportunities He sets before us.
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