Today is Sunday, so I am going to take a break from looking to my mentor today....Well, sort of...I have her personality temperament in mind and wonder if she is as obsessed with music as I am. Somehow, I don't think I would be disappointed with her answer.
You see right now I am in charge of worship at church. I am working at an old church in North Stonington, CT. There is a long story about how I ended up here. There is even a longer story that deals with why the church doesn't have a worship leader any more. Well, the key to the story is to know that last summer when the worship leader left - I took over. It is the craziest thing! I am not a worship leader - I've never studied it - nothing...I just have a passion for God and a matching passion for music about Him. But when the void was there, God told me to just step up and see what happens.
What happened was the church decided they wanted me to lead worship. I get to do it in this crazy cool way too. I told them the only way I would feel comfortable leading is if I could do so through a big screen in the front. I introduce the music, but then they don't seem me the rest of worship time. God put on my heart that it needed to be about Him and He didn't want anyone up front distracting from that. This is not to say this is true everywhere, but considering the situation the church went through - it was an appropriate thing God was putting on my heart.
So every week I get to create custom worship sets. Let's just say, we get down :O) God has taught me so much through this process. He has taught me even more about worship. He has taught me it is no different than preparing to speak on His behalf. The music prepares the hearts of the people to hear the message. It's amazing how God works in and through me to pick songs that end up pairing with sermons - and the pastor and I don't even speak about it! It is so awesome.
Anyway, the point of today is that God knows the desires and dreams of our hearts. He gives it to us as He sees fit and in His on way. I'm a DJ - How cool is that?
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